My services

My services2023-09-27T16:02:43+00:00


Structural Integration

Structural Integration-Rolfing is a unique practice of bodywork that addresses a very specific connective tissue in the body called the fascia. The metaphor of the fascia is that it is an all-encompassing interwoven fibrous system that supports the entire body by providing protection for all organs, compartments for differentiation in body tissues, facilitates ease in posture, and it is a clear passageway for the nerves-lymph-vasculature relationship.

Structural integration was developed by the late Dr. Ida P. Rolf in the early 1940’s with the intention of improving somatic experience through the organization of the connective tissue and movement re-education. Structural Integration (rolfing) helps improve postural alignment and ease in movement by percolating a sense of joy and freedom of movement; alleviating chronic pain, injuries, and trauma, while evoking strength, flexibility and lightness.

As the body moves into better alignment a sense of increased vitality is felt. Although health is not the absence of pain or symptoms, through the process of the 10 series, doing daily life comes with more ease and excitement.


How does it work?

The basic Ten-series of Structural Integration, consists of 10 sessions with each session building upon the results of the previous one. Each session is between 50-70 minutes in length.

Sessions 1-3: Superficial hours

The focus is to open up the body’s candy wrapper and/or most superficial tissues. This can be accomplished by improving the quality of the breath, by creating stability and support in the arches of the feet and spine, and creating relationship between right and left sides of the body.

Sessions 4-7: Core hours

The focus of the core hours is to improve the intrinsic balance of the legs, pelvis, trunk, and neck. These hours can facilitate a better relationship between the upper and lower girdles of the body.

Sessions 8-10: Integration hours

The focus of the integrative hours is to relate and integrate all the change evoked in the 7 sessions a posteriori. Making room for a sense of ease, better order and balance.


How many times a week is a session recommended?2020-12-01T23:21:33+00:00

Generally, once a week works well but other arrangements to suit the person’s needs can be made.

Will it be painful?2020-12-01T23:19:01+00:00

Sensations in the area being worked may range from pleasurable warmth to momentary discomfort. The practitioner can always adjust pressure so the client can feel more comfortable. There is great value in experiencing a bit of discomfort associated with chronically held tension because it is this awareness that can allow healing to happen.

What should I wear to a session?2020-12-01T23:18:33+00:00

A Structural Integration practitioner usually performs a movement pattern assessment before each session. It is ideal to wear comfortable clothing like fitted sport shorts and a sports-bra (for women).

Maybe you are…2020-12-01T23:19:06+00:00
  • Wanting to improve your posture.
  • preparing for an athletic or physical challenge.
  • Want to feel more energized and connected to your body
  • Feeling the onset of aging
  • motivated to explore your body map.
  • Not experiencing much pain but feeling simply uncomfortable.

As the body moves into better alignment you find freedom in order and an increased sense of vitality.

Nathia González